Senin, 29 November 2010



Kyuhyun known after winning 3 in a singing contest Chin Chin Singin Competition in 2005. He was contracted by SM Entertainment Korea and together with other Chin Chin idols sing the birthday song entitled DBSK "Hi Ya Ya". Before he became a member of Super Junior, Super Junior was originally a project group members will "graduate" after a while joined. At first many fans were disappointed with the addition of Kyuhyun into the group, but he quickly accepted by fans as a member of the 13th and last of the Super Junior. Cho Kyuhyun (조규현 / Jo Gyuhyeon) (born February 3, 1988, age 22 years) or better known as Kyuhyun is a singer from South Korea who is a member of boy band Super Junior. Kyuhyun is the most recent member joining Super Junior as well as the youngest (Magnae). Kyuhyun including one of the lead vocalist in Super Junior.

Kyuhyun first appeared in the media as a member of Super Junior in coverage jacket photoshoot single "U", May 23, 2006. Debut appearance was on May 26, 2006 on SBS I-Concert, when he joined featuring the single "U". Appearance is also the first appearance of Super Junior as a permanent group and no longer a group project.

Kyuhyun took part in several sub-groups such as Super Junior Super Junior KRY and Super Junior M. In Super Junior KRY, along with Yesung and Ryeowook Kyuhyun songs and ballads genre that tends to show their vocal abilities. While in Super Junior M, genre songs sung are not much different with Super Junior, only speak Mandarin. Kyuhyun become one of the 5 original members of Super Junior who is also a member of Super Junior M, along with Hankyung, Siwon, Donghae, and Ryeowook.

On April 19, 2007 at dawn, four members of Super Junior along with 2 people manager in a car accident which resulted in them must be taken to the hospital. Serious accident occurred when Kyuhyun, Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, and Shindong back from the broadcast of Super Junior Kiss the Radio. Their car overturned and Kyuhyun, who was then sitting behind the driver's seat, was injured the worst. Kyuhyun suffered a hip fracture, rib fractures also result in pneumothorax, the wounds on the face, also covered in bruises. He was unconscious due to shock. He was in ICU for 6 days, before being transferred to a normal ward. On July 5, 2007, after 78 days treatment, Kyuhyun allowed out of the hospital.

Birth name Cho Kyu-hyun
Born February 2, 1988 (age 22)
Originally Seoul, South Korea
Genre Pop, dance-pop, R & B, ballad
Singer, dancer, actor
Instruments Piano, clarinet
Years active 2006-present
Record company SM Entertainment
with SM Town, Super Junior, Super Junior-KRY, Super Junior-M


10 Digital Clothing Unique & Cool

10. Flare LED dress
LEDs with energy-efficient light weight and has made designers think of the area countless applications. Dutch designer has come with Stijn Ossevoort dress called Flare, where embroidery with LEDs powered by wind energy. can be used to walk down the street, shining dress with different patterns.

9. Lumigram's illuminating dress
LumiGram high-tech dress & decor to make you walk in the dark.The dress style and high-tech fabric is made using a Fiber Optic which emit radiant light making it perfect for cocktail parties. Low voltage battery power wearable on soft and sensual dress.

8. Emotion-sensitive dress
This dress can show your emotions. The Bubelle Dress designed by electronics giant Philips. The dress has a layer sensitive to these emotions in a biometric sensor that consists of taking one's emotions and projects them in color to the outer layer. Stress angry and afraid of making this dress in red, while the rest is displayed in green.

7. The Dandelion windmill costume
Mary Huang and Jennifer Kay has created costumes Dandelion portable windmill that utilizes wind power to create its own energy.miniature windmills of this unique clothing using the wind to capture the kinetic energy.

6. Ecotech Solar Jacket
The Solar Jacket is the latest fashion from Zegna Sport. Not only the outer fabric layer membrane breathe record stitching and padding made from recycled plastic. but also have solar panels attached to the upper arm. Trapped by solar photovoltaic cells and converted into energy Ecotech heating device on the inside jacket to make you warm. Also energiny can be used to fill the power tool gadgets such as mobile phones or iPod.

5. Dissolvable dress
The first dress in the world of ideas of Professor Helen Storey and Professor Tony Ryan in the UK, a leading chemist. This fabric is made of polyvinyl alcohol polymer. The dress makes the user able to survive a party full of sweat.

4 Polar Ice Cap Shirt
Here is the work of the creator Webelow Wear. Dubbed "Polar Ice Cap Shirt" T-shirt is considered a concern for global warming by sensing temperature. T-shirt has the animation of the polar ice caps were painted on it with ink technology termokromik. When body temperature and heat radiation remains below 96.8 Fahrenheit you can see the size of the polar ice cap from 1980 on it. vice versa when the temperature exceeds the standard ice melts.

3. Hussein Cahalayan Video Dresses
For Electronic Fashion shocked the world. Hussein Cahalayan video has designed a spectacular gown. Combining fashion with technology. designer has created a stunning display of color and light, using a 15,000 LED embedded in the fabric. One dress shows the opening and closing of roses. while the other exhibits of sharks moving in the water.

2. Climate Dress
Fashion designer Tine M. Jensen, Danish Design School, Institute of Alexandra and embroiderers in Forster Rohner has come up with a design concept they call "Climate Dress". Dress haute-tech lights when it senses detect carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.Beautiful dress with embroidered conductive, connecting the CO2 sensor to Lilypad Arduino microprocessor.

1. Galaxy Dress
Get the message of eco-fashion in all of the attention-grabbing Galaxy Dress by CuteCircuit. 24 000 high-tech sporty dress LEDs create dazzling light show from hundreds of colors. To create even more smooth and flowing effect. This futuristic dress has four layers of silk chiffon. Just use some of the iPod battery for 30 minutes illuminate a dress for one hour.

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Super Junior

Super Junior (Korean: 슈퍼 주니어), or better known as SJ or SuJu (Korean: 슈주), is an R & B music group from Seoul, South Korea. Its members numbered 13 people are Leeteuk, Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kang-In, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Ryeowook, Kibum, and Kyuhyun.IalahSuperJunior05 debut album (TWINS), was released in 2005.



Sesuai ketentuan syariah agama islam, umat muslimah dimanapun berada wajib hukumnya menggunakan penutup aurat. Dengan memakai jilbab kita akan terlindungi dari berbagai ancaman. Sekaligus kita telah menjalankan perintah Allah SWT. Namun masih ada wanita muslimah yang belum menggunakan jilbab dengan berbagai alasan. Dampak dari memakai jilbab pun ada, baik positif ataupun negative. Namun dampak negative tidak sebanyak dampak positif. Beberapa saran yang dapat diberikan adalah :

1. 1. Perintah berjilbab menjadi salah satu aturan Islam yang harus ditaati oleh setiap muslimah.

2. 2. Bagi wanita muslim disarankan untuk memakai jilbab

3. 3. Orang tua (Ibu) juga disarankan untuk memakai jilbab, agar anaknya mencontoh pada ibunya

Berbusana muslim menjadi hal yang harus bagi setiap muslimah dengan tetap memperhatikan syarat dan kriteria busana menurut Islam.


Dampak Negatif Memakai Jilbab

Selain mempunyai manfaat, pemakaian jilbab juga mempunyai dampak negatif. Namun dampak negatifnya tidak sebanyak manfaat dari memakai jilbab, yaitu:

1. Apabila wanita muslim tersebut belum benar-benar mengerti dan paham tentang konsep. Jilbab, mereka akan merasa tidak betah ataupun menganggap jilbab sebagai beban. Mereka akan merasa kepanasan dan merasa tidak gaul karena memakai jilbab

2. Jilbab akan dijadikan sebagai media kreativitas, tapi sudah keluar dari batasan-batasan Islam, seperti jilbab yang dililit ke leher dan yang terlihat dadanya


Jilbab Berguna untuk Melindungi Wanita Muslim

Banyak sekali ancaman yang dihadapi oleh wanita. Wanita sering kali di lecehkan, teraniaya, ataupun disiksa. Namun tanpa kita sadari, jilbab yang dipakai oleh wanita muslim dapat membantu wanita itu sendiri ketika menjaga kehormatannya. Beberapa manfaat yang bisa diambil dari penulisan makalah ini, yaitu:

1. 1. Agar lebih terlindungi dari hal-hal yang buruk, misalnya bila diibaratkan, wanita yang berjilbab dengan wanita yang tidak berjilbab itu seperti dua buah roti yang bermerek sama namun dengan cover atau bungkus yang berbeda. Duah buah roti sama-sama bermerek “X” misalnya. Roti “X” yang pertama dibiarkan terbuka, dijual dipinggiran jalan, yang setiap orang dapat dengan mudah melihatnya secara langsung, bahkan meraba atau mencicipinya pun mudah. Untuk roti “X” yang pertama ini, lalatpun pasti mudah untuk hinggap. Roti “X” yang kedua dibungkus dan dikemas dengan plastik bersih, rapat, indah, dan rapi. Kemudian tempat penjualannyapun ditempatkan di dalam lemari kaca, yang nggak setiap orang dapat menyentuhnya. Diantara kedua roti tersebut, kalau kita disuruh memilih, tentunya pilih roti “X” yang kedua, karena tertutup dengan rapat dan bersih, tentunya kita pun yakin bahwa roti ini belum pernah dicicipi orang lain sebelumnya. Sedangkan roti “X” yang pertama, meragukan, lalat saja mudah hinggap.

2. 2. Terjaga kehormatannya. Wanita berjilbab akan selalu menjaga kehormatannya seiring dengan ilmu yang dimilikinya karena mereka mengetahui dan dapat membedakan perilaku yang harus dilakukan dengan perilaku yang harus dihindari. Wanita berjilbab dan berilmu merasa selalu diawasi Allah dari segala kemaksiatan

  1. Rambut Muslimah yang berjilbab terlindung dari sengatan panas matahari dan terlindung dari debu serta polusi, sehingga ketika jilbabnya dibuka, rambutnya tidak mudah rusak
  2. Terjaga dari pandangan pria nakal. Muslimah yang berjilbab tidak mengumbar tubuhnya, kecuali muka dan telapak tangan. Oleh karena itu, pria pun terbatas memandangnya.
  3. Pria segan menggoda apalagi melecehkan. Biasanya, pria segan mendekati apalagi menggoda wanita berjilbab, kecuali kalau peluang itu diciptakan oleh wanita itu sendiri.
  4. Termotivasi untuk terus menuntut ilmu dan mengamalkannya. Muslimah yang berjilbab merasa dirinya menjadi alat ukur kebaikan dan kesuksesan. Tuntutan ini sangat bagus karena memacu dirinya untuk senantiasa berlomba meraih prestasi, kebaikan, dan sekuat mungkin menghindari kesalahan-kesalahan yang dapat mencemarkan nama baik Islam oleh perbuatan dosa dan tercela.
  5. Terjaga dari polusi. Berjilbab berarti menutup aurat. Kain penutup yang menutupi bagian tubuh wanita menghalangi kotoran dan polusi udara. Sehingga dapatmemperkecil kemungkinan terkena penyakit
  6. Melatih kreativitas. Karaena wanita yang memakai jilbab akan membuat berbagai gaya jilbab yang tetap berada di bawah aturan Islam


Factor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Wanita Muslim Sehingga Belum Memakai Jilbab

1. Pihak keluarga. Sampai saat ini masih ada saja orang tua yang melarang anaknya untuk mengenakan jilbab, padahal mereka sendiri mengaku sebagai keluarga muslim

2. Pengaruh teman yang mengatakan bahwa jilbab itu tidak gaul, tidak modis, ribet, repot, dan tidak bisa bergerak dengan leluasa

3. Merasa belum siap dengan segala yang akan terjadi setelah memakai jilbab

4. Terpengaruh budaya barat